Pepe Raventós, the youngest generation from a family of winemakers (since 1497), sketches the fruitful relation that southern Europeans have with nature.
For hundreds of years, men shaped and cultivated numerous patchworks in nature. Being in this "humanized" nature provokes a feeling of presence and awareness or the experience of sheer "being." Living...
Sugata Mitra challenges Europe to make historical steps for a more humane future.
An Interview with Oliver Escobar about deliberative democracy, populism and the future of Europe.
maybe the most fundamental human right is; to understand what systems determine us and how they function.
Democracy & Human Rights
Dharmendra Kanani | Power-sharing the new model to govern Europe
From a representative to a participatory model of democracy.
Yuri van Geest makes several proposals on how to push European innovation to the next level.